Wednesday 25 September 2013

Faith and Hope

  Britons are known for sharp wit and cynicism. We often decry cynicism as an extreme of distrust or unbelief (and rightly so), but today I want to think about misplaced hope and faith, which we leave unchallenged, if we're not careful.

  Politics is a prime example of this. If we are honest with ourselves, those of us who care deeply about politics have a kind of faith invested in the ideologies and political candidates we support. The unspoken words in our hearts run something like this: 'If only we could get X into power / If only we could change the constitution, then this country/the world would get better.' This is the dream, to bring about a golden age of prosperity and contentment.

  Looking at things from this angle, the reader will not be surprised at the fact that many writers have compared Christians and Marxists. Both dream of a better world and devote a substantial part of their lives and hopes to bringing it about. This much may be obvious to most, but I want to include others in this circle, from vibrant eco-warriors to seemingly restrained conservatives. All of these people are characterized by intense faith and hope, whether they realize it or not; but these groups invest their faith in different things.

  Ultimately, there is a divide between the Christians and the others. Christians place their faith in God, a God who has revealed Himself and invited humanity to return to Him. The others have ultimately placed their faith in man, believing Man can solve his own problems. But when it comes to creating the perfect society, man's track record is against him. Of course, this doesn't stop the dreamers; they keep saying, 'Next time will be different!'

  Now let me qualify what I have said. This post is not intended to discourage passion to change the world for the better. Far from it - people should aim to help their neighbours and to be more caring and involved. But we need to think about where history is headed and what Man is really like. Dream all you like, but nothing you can do will make Obama or Cameron or Farage or Miliband into the Messiah. There is only one answer God has given for humanity's woes, and His name is Jesus.

Something to think about...

God bless. 

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